
The Path of Forgiveness

Probably some of us were once involved in harsh disagreements with other people or with members of our family. The whole experience usually left us bitter and unforgiving especially if we end up physically battered or emotionally hurt.   

We are always told that we should not let the sun go down on our wrath. But for most of us, instead of showing forgiveness, we prolong our anger and we keep the sun from going down.

Forgiveness is a reward you give to yourself.  When you forgive someone, you are discharging the burden of anger and pain inside you.  When you choose the path of forgiveness, you are choosing to live your present life and you are preparing yourself to face the future. Having an unforgiving attitude will not relieve you from the burdens of your past; you are only keeping the hurt, pain, anger, and loneliness inside you. You are not healing your pains and you are not giving the person who hurt you the freedom to live in peace and to change for his betterment.

Holding on to your anger may not be good to your health. According to studies, chronic anger not only upsets our relationships with others, but it can also damage our bodies, resulting to heart problems, diabetes, and other deadly diseases.

It is true that we cannot alter another person’s unforgiving heart, but we are accountable for our own attitude. If others cannot forgive, try influencing others by making the first step of practicing the art of forgiveness. We all know that Jesus Christ forgave our sins, what right do we have for not forgiving others?

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